Hwy 930 Clearing & Grubbing (LA 42 to PR 929/Causey Rd)

Project # MA-18-12-A | updated April 10, 2022


Project name: Hwy 930 (LA 42 - Causey Rd.) - C&G
Design firm: T. Baker Smith
Pct complete design: 100%
Row parcels needed: 0
Row parcels acquired: 0


Contractor name: LA Contracting Enterprises, LLC
Contract duration: 90
Construction status: Completed


Design cost: $2,500.00
Row cost: $0.00
Enviro mitigation cost: $0
Construction cost estimate: $488,016.00
Construction bid: $518,647.00
Inspections cost: $36,697.80
Material testing cost: $0.00


Funding federal:
Funding state:
Funding local: $102,213.80
Funding traffic impact fees: $425,000

This task includes the earthwork, clearing and grubbing to prepare the right-of-way for [project MA-18-12]( {{ relref ma-18-12.md }} ) which will widen a 2 mile segment of Hwy 930 (Daigle Road) from Hwy. 42 to SR 929 (Causey Rd.)

This project is being tracked but not funded through Move Ascension. The project location is shown in the image below.

