LA 1 at LA 3089 Signalization

Project # MA-17-14 | updated June 15, 2021


Project name: LA 1/LA 3089 Signal Timing & Synchronization
Design firm: Neel-Shaffer
Pct complete design: 100%
Row parcels needed: 0
Row parcels acquired: 0


Contractor name:
Contract duration:
Construction status: Completed


Design cost: $51,435.00
Row cost: $0.00
Enviro mitigation cost: $0
Construction cost estimate: $0.00
Construction bid: $0.00
Inspections cost:
Material testing cost:


Funding federal:
Funding state:
Funding local: $51,435.00
Funding traffic impact fees:

This task order is a planning effort to facilitate better traffic flow along LA 1 and LA 3089 in and around Donaldsonville. Now complete, the study results have been implemented by the LA DOTD for better traffic flow.

The image below illustrates the area impacted by this study at the intersection of LA 1 (10th Street) at Bayou Road.
