Hwy 930 Value Engineering around pipelines

Project # MA-18-06 | updated June 15, 2021


Project name: Hwy 930 Pipeline Avoidance re-design
Design firm: T. Baker Smith
Pct complete design: 100%
Row parcels needed: 0
Row parcels acquired: 0


Contractor name:
Contract duration:
Construction status: Completed


Design cost: $76,560.00
Row cost: $0.00
Enviro mitigation cost: $0
Construction cost estimate: $0.00
Construction bid: $0.00
Inspections cost:
Material testing cost:


Funding federal:
Funding state:
Funding local: $76,560.00
Funding traffic impact fees:

This study was an analysis and re-design of a small, 1,500 foot portion of the “Hwy 930 Widening and Safety Improvements Project”, developed by LA DOTD. The study allowed avoidance of $2M in pipeline relocation costs.

A value engineering (VE) recommendation will be submitted to DOTD for concurrence before the road is transferred to Ascension Parish with Road Transfer Fee Credits. The image below illustrates the location of this project.
